Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement 

This is the privacy statement of Delta Sport Innovation (hereinafter: Delta Sport Innovation) is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 68140002 and is located at Berkenrodelaan 34 (1181AJ) in Amstelveen. This document explains how Delta Sport Innovation handles the processing of your personal data. When processing your personal data Delta Sport Innovation will exercise the utmost care.  


Acquisition of personal data: 

If you use the services of Delta Sport Innovation, you provide a number of personal data to Delta Sport Innovation, or personal data is obtained from you in the context of the agreement. Personal data is defined as any data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. 


Categories of personal data 

Delta Sport Innovation processes the following categories of personal data: 

  • contact and name and address information, including location information, phone number, email address; 
  • company information, including VAT number and Chamber of Commerce number; 
  • divergent delivery address; 
  • financial data; 
  • account information, which also includes your password and username; 
  • other personal data provided by yourself. 


Purpose of processing 

The personal data provided by Delta Sport Innovation processed are for the purpose of: 

  • contacting you to inform you about the services you have purchased and their performance; 
  • its services; 
  • improving its services; 
  • being able to make payments; 
  • being able to fulfill legal obligations; 
  • marketing and communications, including improving the website by analyzing visitor behavior on the website; 
  • being able to send newsletters; 
  • exchanging data with third parties for the purpose of providing services, as necessary. 


Basis of processing 

The processing of personal data is only possible under the following bases: (i) legal obligation, (ii) performance of agreement, (iii) obtained (explicit) consent of the data subjects, and (iv) legitimate interest. In providing the services of Delta Sport Innovation personal data are processed. Delta Sport Innovation only processes data that are necessary for (the improvement of) the services and treats (personal) data collected about you and your use of the services with care. The basis for processing these data is the agreement you have with Delta Sport Innovation. 


Need processing 

The processing of your personal data is necessary to perform the services. The services that Delta Sport Innovation cannot be fully performed without the processing of your personal data. If specific purposes involving personal data require your explicit consent, you must give your consent separately.  


Automated decision-making 

If there is any automated decision-making, this decision-making is done by computer systems and/or computer programs without the intervention of human action. The data subject is himself or herself responsible for the data he or she provides and which are used at the time of the automated decision-making. If the data prove to be incorrect or incomplete, the damage resulting from this will be at the expense and risk of the person concerned. This also includes the non-, untimely or incorrect execution of the agreement. 


Retention period 

The by Delta Sport Innovation processed personal data are kept in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. If a longer retention period is required by law or regulations, personal data will be kept longer in accordance with these requirements. All (obtained) personal data will not be kept longer than strictly necessary.  


Third party processing 

Delta Sport Innovation shares personal data with third parties only if strictly necessary for the performance of an agreement and to comply with relevant laws and regulations. No personal data is sold. Delta Sport Innovation may be legally obliged to share personal data with third parties. If personal data is shared with third parties, processing agreements are in place. The third parties with whom personal data is shared are: 

  • The Payment Provider, for the purpose of executing an agreement. The categories of personal data processed are financial data. 
  • The Bookkeeper, for the purpose of executing an agreement. The categories of personal data processed are contact and name and address information and financial data. 
  • Software suppliers, for the purpose of executing the agreement. The categories of personal data processed are contact and name and address data. 
  • Website administrator, for the purpose of executing the agreement. The categories of personal data processed are contact and name and address information. 
  • Engaged third parties, for the purpose of execution of the agreement. The categories of personal data processed are contact and name and address data. 


Security of personal data 

Delta Sport Innovation takes the protection of your personal data seriously and in this regard, taking into account the state of the art, implementation costs, as well as the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing and the risks to the rights and freedoms of individuals that vary in terms of probability and severity, takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk. 


Younger than 16?  

If you are a minor, i.e., under the age of 16, you may only consent to the processing of your personal data with the consent of one of your parents or legal guardian. It is then important that your parent(s) or guardian reads this statement. They can also exercise the rights you have in relation to the personal data you leave with us, such as the right to oppose the (further) processing of your personal data or the right to inspect and correct your data. 


Right of data subjects 

As a data subject, you have the following rights: 

  • Right of access;  
    As a data subject, you have the right to obtain clarification as to whether or not your personal data are being processed and, if so, to obtain access in relation to their processing. 
  • Right to rectification;  
    You have the right to obtain rectification and completion of inaccurate data. 
  • Right to data erasure;  
    Without unreasonable delay, a data subject must obtain erasure of personal data concerning him. 
  • Right to restriction of processing;  
    As a data subject, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. To do so, please contact Delta Sport Innovation. 
  • Right to data portability;  
    A data subject has the right to have the personal data concerning him provided to Delta Sport Innovation, in a structured, common and machine-readable form in order to transfer this personal data to a third party if necessary. A data subject may Delta Sport Innovation also instruct Delta Sport Innovation to transfer such data directly to a third party. 
  • Right to object;  
    The data subject shall have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to his particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him including profiling on the basis of those provisions. Delta Sport Innovation shall cease processing personal data unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, freedoms and rights of the data subject related to the exercise, institution or support of a legal claim. 



If you have a complaint about the way Delta Sport Innovation handles your personal data, or wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact us via the website . If you wish to exercise a right you need to send a copy of your ID to Delta Sport Innovation. Please black out your passport photo and MRZ (strip of numbers at the bottom) to protect your privacy. Delta Sport Innovation will respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than 4 weeks. You can also file a complaint with the Personal Data Authority. This is the competent enforcement authority. You can contact them via this link: . 


Privacy statement changes 

Delta Sport Innovation may at any time modify the privacy statement. The most recent version is published on the website . Therefore always keep an eye on the website for the most recent version. If the new privacy statement affects how Delta Sport Innovation already collected data relating to you, then Delta Sport Innovation will inform you by email. 


This version was last established on May 11, 2024.